Sunday, July 15, 2012

Recruiting and the Diversity Index

The Diversity Index is used to measure the diversity within in a population. Essentially it says, were we to select two random people from a population, what is the probability that they would be the same - what "same" means depends on what kind of diversity you are interested in: age, sex, race, eye color, favorite movie, college major, etc. I have applied the Diversity Index (DI) to college football rosters and the home state of college football players. 

What's the point? If we assume that coaches would rather work local high schools than travel across many states to fill their rosters, we can conclude that the diversity index gives us some insight in to how hard it is for programs to recruit. This is muddled a bit because some coaches recruit more broadly because the program has a strong national presence. For example, Army, Notre Dame and Navy, the top three on the list, struggle with unique admission standards but also have relatively strong national presences. Wyoming, on the other hand, draws from a broader audience, not because of its national presence, but because Wyoming is not a hotbed of college football talent.

On the other hand, schools in Texas, California and Florida fill their rosters with in-state recruits - 22 of the 25 least geographically diverse programs come these three states.

Team Rk DI Team Rk DI
Army 1 0.0432 Air Force 7 0.0920
Notre Dame 2 0.0594 Akron 73 0.2937
Navy 3 0.0644 Alabama 68 0.2723
Connecticut 4 0.0733 Arizona 46 0.2160
Boston College 5 0.0894 Arizona St. 76 0.3069
Duke 6 0.0896 Arkansas 27 0.1812
Air Force 7 0.0920 Arkansas St. 29 0.1857
Wyoming 8 0.0940 Army 1 0.0432
Vanderbilt 9 0.0990 Auburn 65 0.2659
West Virginia 10 0.1210 Ball St. 47 0.2175
Purdue 11 0.1212 Baylor 117 0.8098
Northwestern 12 0.1291 Boise St. 22 0.1665
Marshall 13 0.1374 Boston College 5 0.0894
New Mexico 14 0.1460 Bowling Green 70 0.2873
Syracuse 15 0.1492 Buffalo 20 0.1574
Memphis 16 0.1548 BYU 54 0.2403
Eastern Mich. 17 0.1549 California 87 0.3568
Mississippi 18 0.1553 Central Mich. 88 0.3952
Stanford 19 0.1574 Cincinnati 56 0.2479
Buffalo 20 0.1574 Clemson 58 0.2561
Southern Miss. 21 0.1634 Colorado 35 0.1932
Boise St. 22 0.1665 Colorado St. 25 0.1739
Iowa 23 0.1673 Connecticut 4 0.0733
Idaho 24 0.1730 Duke 6 0.0896
Colorado St. 25 0.1739 East Caro. 92 0.4091
Kansas 26 0.1808 Eastern Mich. 17 0.1549
Arkansas 27 0.1812 Fla. Atlantic 116 0.8017
Minnesota 28 0.1822 Florida 102 0.5601
Arkansas St. 29 0.1857 Florida Int'l 110 0.6967
Wake Forest 30 0.1858 Florida St. 101 0.5382
Western Mich. 31 0.1889 Fresno St. 120 0.8489
Western Ky. 32 0.1894 Georgia 105 0.5982
Middle Tenn. St. 33 0.1905 Georgia Tech 94 0.4234
Indiana 34 0.1906 Hawaii 80 0.3222
Colorado 35 0.1932 Houston 115 0.8002
Miami (Ohio) 36 0.1962 Idaho 24 0.1730
Northern Ill. 37 0.1968 Illinois 55 0.2450
Tulane 38 0.1980 Indiana 34 0.1906
Maryland 39 0.2033 Iowa 23 0.1673
Utah St. 40 0.2034 Iowa St. 50 0.2314
Kentucky 41 0.2048 Kansas 26 0.1808
Michigan 42 0.2072 Kansas St. 45 0.2141
Tennessee 43 0.2082 Kent St. 85 0.3506
New Mexico St. 44 0.2140 Kentucky 41 0.2048
Kansas St. 45 0.2141 La.-Lafayette 79 0.3213
Arizona 46 0.2160 La.-Monroe 57 0.2554
Ball St. 47 0.2175 Louisiana Tech 71 0.2913
Penn St. 48 0.2246 Louisville 51 0.2333
Oregon St. 49 0.2292 LSU 97 0.4358
Iowa St. 50 0.2314 Marshall 13 0.1374
Louisville 51 0.2333 Maryland 39 0.2033
Oregon 52 0.2340 Memphis 16 0.1548
UNLV 53 0.2364 Miami (Fla.) 96 0.4319
BYU 54 0.2403 Miami (Ohio) 36 0.1962
Illinois 55 0.2450 Michigan 42 0.2072
Cincinnati 56 0.2479 Michigan St. 77 0.3142
La.-Monroe 57 0.2554 Middle Tenn. St. 33 0.1905
Clemson 58 0.2561 Minnesota 28 0.1822
South Carolina 59 0.2580 Mississippi 18 0.1553
Nebraska 60 0.2581 Mississippi St. 93 0.4189
Utah 61 0.2606 Missouri 74 0.2991
UAB 62 0.2606 Navy 3 0.0644
Rutgers 63 0.2635 Nebraska 60 0.2581
Temple 64 0.2658 Nevada 107 0.6096
Auburn 65 0.2659 New Mexico 14 0.1460
Wisconsin 66 0.2692 New Mexico St. 44 0.2140
Troy 67 0.2723 North Carolina 82 0.3393
Alabama 68 0.2723 North Carolina St. 69 0.2772
North Carolina St. 69 0.2772 North Texas 109 0.6562
Bowling Green 70 0.2873 Northern Ill. 37 0.1968
Louisiana Tech 71 0.2913 Northwestern 12 0.1291
Tulsa 72 0.2927 Notre Dame 2 0.0594
Akron 73 0.2937 Ohio 78 0.3205
Missouri 74 0.2991 Ohio St. 95 0.4315
Washington St. 75 0.3039 Oklahoma 84 0.3405
Arizona St. 76 0.3069 Oklahoma St. 90 0.4053
Michigan St. 77 0.3142 Oregon 52 0.2340
Ohio 78 0.3205 Oregon St. 49 0.2292
La.-Lafayette 79 0.3213 Penn St. 48 0.2246
Hawaii 80 0.3222 Pittsburgh 83 0.3396
Toledo 81 0.3366 Purdue 11 0.1212
North Carolina 82 0.3393 Rice 112 0.7522
Pittsburgh 83 0.3396 Rutgers 63 0.2635
Oklahoma 84 0.3405 San Diego St. 111 0.7174
Kent St. 85 0.3506 San Jose St. 118 0.8212
Virginia 86 0.3546 South Carolina 59 0.2580
California 87 0.3568 South Fla. 114 0.7600
Central Mich. 88 0.3952 Southern California 103 0.5670
Virginia Tech 89 0.3986 Southern Methodist 99 0.4613
Oklahoma St. 90 0.4053 Southern Miss. 21 0.1634
Washington 91 0.4088 Stanford 19 0.1574
East Caro. 92 0.4091 Syracuse 15 0.1492
Mississippi St. 93 0.4189 TCU 108 0.6281
Georgia Tech 94 0.4234 Temple 64 0.2658
Ohio St. 95 0.4315 Tennessee 43 0.2082
Miami (Fla.) 96 0.4319 Texas 119 0.8308
LSU 97 0.4358 Texas A&M 113 0.7561
UCF 98 0.4374 Texas Tech 106 0.5987
Southern Methodist 99 0.4613 Toledo 81 0.3366
UTEP 100 0.5037 Troy 67 0.2723
Florida St. 101 0.5382 Tulane 38 0.1980
Florida 102 0.5601 Tulsa 72 0.2927
Southern California 103 0.5670 UAB 62 0.2606
UCLA 104 0.5808 UCF 98 0.4374
Georgia 105 0.5982 UCLA 104 0.5808
Texas Tech 106 0.5987 UNLV 53 0.2364
Nevada 107 0.6096 Utah 61 0.2606
TCU 108 0.6281 Utah St. 40 0.2034
North Texas 109 0.6562 UTEP 100 0.5037
Florida Int'l 110 0.6967 Vanderbilt 9 0.0990
San Diego St. 111 0.7174 Virginia 86 0.3546
Rice 112 0.7522 Virginia Tech 89 0.3986
Texas A&M 113 0.7561 Wake Forest 30 0.1858
South Fla. 114 0.7600 Washington 91 0.4088
Houston 115 0.8002 Washington St. 75 0.3039
Fla. Atlantic 116 0.8017 West Virginia 10 0.1210
Baylor 117 0.8098 Western Ky. 32 0.1894
San Jose St. 118 0.8212 Western Mich. 31 0.1889
Texas 119 0.8308 Wisconsin 66 0.2692
Fresno St. 120 0.8489 Wyoming 8 0.0940

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