Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Penalty Profiles

Nothing really complicated here. I've been playing with penalty data recently so I decided to put together penalty profiles. I've grouped penalties into 8 groups and calculated the number of penalties per play.

Tulsa stands out. The Golden Hurricane are in the top 5 in avoiding logistic, procedure, holding and player contact penalties. Tulsa looks worse when looking at penalty yards per game (16th nationally in 2011) because they run more plays than the average team. 

There isn't a lot of correlation across penalty types - teams that are frequently penalized in one area are not much more likely to be penalized in another area. For example, Auburn was best nationally with one pass intereference call every 2000 plays, but was worst nationally in logistics, getting more than twice as many in this area than the average team.

Logistic - Not getting the right people in the right place on time; delay of game, illegal substitution, etc. 
Procedure - Moving early or in the wrong direction before the play; false start, illegal shift, etc. 
Contact Player - Illegal contact with an opposing player; face mask, clipping, roughing the kicker, etc. 
Contact Ball - Illegal use of the ball; illegal kicking, intentional grounding, illegal forward pass, etc. 
Offsides, Holding and Pass Interference (+ defensive holding) are listed separately

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