Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Blackwell's EPA, the bottom 50

[These results cover the first three weeks of the season.]

Some readers might consider this post vicious, but I do it only to prove a point. In the table below are the 50 worst quarterbacks in college football by EPA (expected points added). My point is this: if you want to know why a team is struggling, look no further than quarterback play. So yeah, it is a little vicious.

That UMass is bad is not surprising to anyone, but Houston's incompetence on a football field this season has been overwhelming. This is our first season calculating EPAs and NEPAs, so I can't compare Piland's numbers to Keenum's from a year ago, but I would guess that he did better than a -33.5 EPA.

Poor Brandon Allen stepped in for an injured Tyler Wilson and cost his team a half point every time he didn't hand the ball off to a back (Knile Davis has a -.2 EPA/PP, so Arkansas didn't really have any better options). James Franklin has battled injury while his team has been outscored by 42 in two games against SEC opponents. (Berkstresser has not been much, or any, better).
[click "Read More" to see the table]

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