Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week 6 BPR Poll

Unlike other polls, the BPR looks only at who a team has played and who that team has beat. It doesn't care if they are actually a "good" team, if they won by a lot or if the game was close, or if replacement refs signaled a touchdown when the ball was clearly intercepted. If you win, you move up the poll. Beat a good team and you move up more. Lose and you drop. Lose to a bad team and sink like a body builder in a fresh water lake.

The top team in the BPR is Florida. With wins over Texas A&M, Tennessee, and Kentucky . . . and some team called Louisiana State, Florida has the nation's most impressive resume. Kansas State, West Virginia and South Carolina sport wins over Oklahoma, Texas and Georgia, respectively.

A few teams appear much higher in the BPR than in other national polls. Western Kentucky and Ohio, in particular, get a lot more love because they are bolstered by undefeated records (Alabama doesn't count). The BPR is less impressed, though, with Oregon's wins over Arizona and Washington (but a win over Arizona State would be a huge boost).

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