Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 6 EP3+O and EP3+D

If this is your first time hearing about the EP3+, I suggest you check out my brief introduction to the metric. It's rad.

Moving on, Baylor leads the nation by EP3+O. This essentially means that Baylor, at this point in the season, has the best offense in the nation. Baylor is 3rd in the standard offensive unit ratings used in the model which suggests that its 110th ranked defense is holding the Bears back some. Shocker. 

Alabama at #3 is a bit of a shocker, and not the sarcastic variety. The Tide come in 9th in the standard unit ratings and the defense is not putting the offense in tough situations (Alabama is 5th nationally in average starting field position). But Alabama is also 4th nationally in turnovers per possession, so the offense is never leaving the defense in an awkward spot. [keep moving down for the defense ratings.]

Not shocking, Alabama seems to have the nation's best defense. South Carolina is a surprisingly close second. Missouri is 3rd despite scoring relatively low on the standard unit rating, and I don't have an explanation for the disparity. LSU comes in 20th, further evidence that LSU does not have an elite defense this season.