Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 8's best defensive performances

In this weekly feature, we adjust a team's effective points per possession (EP3) by the strength of the opponent's defense to get a true measure of their offensive performance (and, inversely, the opponent's defensive performance). EP3 recognizes that field position has a real value and not just points on the scoreboard. EP3+O is the offense's opponent adjusted EP3 offense, or, in other words, it measures how good the opponent's offense is. Perf-D rates a team's defensive performance that week given their opponent's EP3 that week and the opponent's EP3+O.  

We know Oregon can score points, so the Ducks landing at the top of the Perf-D should be an eye-opener for the rest of the nation. The only problem for Oregon is that Kansas State came in 7th in Perf-D and was te nation's best in Perf-O, and Florida finished #3 by both metrics.

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