Friday, January 11, 2013

Best Offensive Performances - The Bowls

The EP3, or effective points per possession, measure the average number of "effective" points earned each drive during a game. Effective points consider field position as well as actual points. The EP3+ is the team's average performance over the course of the season adjusted for the opposition. The EP3+D is the defensive score while the EP3+O is for the offense. The Perf-O begins with the single-game EP3 and adjusts for the opponent's EP3+D. The Perf-D begins with the opponent's EP3 and adjusts it for the opponent's EP3+O.

For a half it seemed that Oklahoma might be able to contain Manziel before getting blown up in the first three possessions of the second half. It was obvious from the first drive that Te'o and company are no match for Alabama's running game. The Aggies scored touchdowns on 6 of 11 possessions, and another ended with a dropped pass/interception in the end zone. Alabama also scored 6 touchdowns on only 10 possessions.

Arizona State and Oklahoma State laid it on inferior opposition and Oregon and Baylor embarrassed teams that were supposed to be pretty good.

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