Monday, January 14, 2013

Reviewing the Preview, 2012

Now that the season is over, I'd like to take a minute to review my 10+ boring predictions from the preseason. I would have had a pretty decent season if only I'd realized just how deeply moronic Lane Kiffin really is and that a freshman QB who had just recently been named the starter would revolutionize the game of football. Oops.

Alabama will beat Georgia to win the SEC.
Correct! Not a bad start.

Unclear on their conference memberships, the WAC and Big East will also name Alabama their conference champion. The WAC and Big East will then merge to form the Big Athletic Conference.
Mostly incorrect. Personally, I've given up on tracking what team is in what conference in which sport, but the BAC might just be a pipe dream.

By the end of the decade, Conference USA will be the only truly regional conference in America.
Jury's still out. The B1G now stretches from Nebraska to the Atlantic, the Big 12 from Appalachia to the Rockies (soon), and the ACC from southern tip to New England, but the Pac-12 and SEC are keeping it pretty regional for now.

Teams in the Sun Belt and MAC will play games
Correct! I assume.

Ohio will win a lot of games.
9 is a lot, right? Mostly correct! (But Northern Illinois and Kent State won more)

Washington St will be better than Texas Tech (and Maryland).
Incorrect! Even when Maryland had a FR linebacker playing QB.

West Virginia (and Michigan) will be better than Arizona (and Oklahoma St)
Incorrect! From best to worst - Oklahoma State, Michigan, Arizona, West Virginia

I will find out why we aren’t all making fun of Coach Holgorsen’s hair. 

Ohio St will be better than Florida.
Incorrect? Are we talking about the Florida that beat A&M and LSU or the one that beat Missouri in OT and got smoked by Louisville?

USC will be better than the Seattle Seahawks.
Incorrect!!! In my defense, I had no way of knowing just how far Kiffin's incompetence stretched.

Alabama will be better than LSU (and Michigan, but not better than the Falcons).

Texas A&M this season will be much better than in 2011, but not better than the Dolphins.
Correct!!! A&M might not have been better than the Dolphins, but the Dolphins should be happy to trade QBs

Wisconsin will win 12 games with a quarterback discarded by a 2-10 team.
Incorrect! They didn't win 12, and they didn't beat any FBS opponents with Danny Boy.

Connecticut and Maryland will both be terrible (much worse than, say, Vanderbilt).
Correct! But unless Edsall was actually attacking his QBs it wasn't really his fault. 

And someone at the worldwide leader will wonder aloud why some struggling program hasn’t snatched up Rick Neuheisel yet.

Texas will again lose four or more games despite giving up fewer than 17 points per game.
Half correct, half incorrect (9-4, 29 ppg)

Oklahoma will be the class of the Big XII but will lose to Kansas to fall out of national title contention.
A team from Kansas? Correct!

Kansas St will lose 6 games by 10 total points after Bill Snyder’s deal with the devil expires.
He was able to negotiate an extension, but that expired before the Baylor game.

Tuberville will plead with Snyder for the devil’s digits only to learn that Tech has a long standing arrangement that involves locking players in equipment sheds.
I think that's why he got out when he did.

Wisconsin will win their conference championship.

They will not play Penn State in the conference championship game


Three Badgers will rush for over 1,000 yards and Danny O’Brien will set himself up as a Heisman contender in 2013.
Correct, except for the part where I make predictions.

We will mistake Indiana, Purdue and Northwestern for B1G teams, but after watching them play at home we will remember they belong in the MAC.
Northwestern still has the country fooled.

Kenjon Barner will rush for 1,500 yards, but Matt Barkley will throw for 15,000 and win the Heisman.
1,500 yards? check. 15,000 yards/Heisman? not quite.

USC will beat Washington (and be better than Tennessee . . . that doesn't mean anything) to win the Pac-5,6,8,10,12.
Incorrect, not because USC didn't beat Washington, but because both teams were far too terrible to play for the conference championship.

We will find out that Stanford was more than Andrew Luck; it was Jim Harbaugh and the fading remnants of his pixie dust. And even Harbaugh in the flesh wasn’t enough to beat Oregon.
Backwards. Stanford missed Luck a lot more than they missed Harbough.

Florida St will NOT win the ACC. Florida St will be 9-4.

Next season we will all be amazed at the talent [the Seminoles] have along the defensive line and we will put them in the top 10. In 2013, Florida St will not win the ACC.
Half true, half TBD

Nor will Maryland [win the ACC]. Instead of firing Edsall, Maryland will punish Edsall by dropping its football program and reassigning Edsall to coach the new men's synchronized swimming team.
Half true, half TBD

Boise St will remind us that, even after losing 7 players to the draft, the better program beats Georgia by 14, not in triple overtime.
Incorrect, mostly because both teams were disappointing.

Like Alabama, Boise St will claim 3 conference championships, but will do it by playing in three different conferences over the course of the season.

The other teams in its conferences will also play games, and some of those games will be very entertaining
Correct! I assume.

It will slowly dawn on the football community that we ignored one of the best pre-bowl seasons in college football history, a head-to-head match-up and conference standings so we could crown a champion based on one game played a month after the season had ended, and that we responded to this by changing the rules to put more emphasis on these pseudo, post-season games.
Incorrect! In fact, we forgot that LSU was the better team through 2011 so we could annoint Alabama a dynasty.

We will recognize that we have been duped by the major sports media into believing that this is what we want. We will then pay for their insider access and log on to their forums so we can read about and discuss the sad state of college football.

Alabama will beat USC by 7 in the national championship game
Mostly incorrect

Somehow we will twist this into meaning that the 7 terrible teams in the SEC are not terrible, that games ending 3-2 mean that your conference is good at football, and that a non-SEC team that tried to play a season in the SEC and had to play many of these 7 terrible teams would be murdered in the process because an SEC schedule is so brutal.
Mostly incorrect. Only five terrible teams: (Auburn, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee) and Manziel's "weak schedule" would be used against him, but the rest is true.

I will rejoice in this now that my team is in the SEC.

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